Website designs
First Year
Michele Meester
Using Adobe Dreamweaver, I created my first website using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap components.
Additional links include Gallery, Affiliations, Contact, and About pages.

Chef Jacqueline
The Chef Jacqueline website was designed based on a bootstrap structure. With the assistance of the Adobe Color app, I chose a color palette that would be cohesive to the baking industry but also reflexed the owner’s whimsical and creative image.

As part of my 10-piece campaign for the Dementia Foundation, I designed a mockup for its home page.
The website would also include pages informing viewers about the organization, which resources are available, how to donate, and contact information.

Media Design
Portfolio Show
As part of the 2021 Portfolio Show, I created a mockup for the Portfolio Show website. The mockup shows the additional responsive layout changes for mobile, laptop, and wide computer screens.

App prototype
FitFalls App
Users of this app will be able to track their miles based on GPS data. Each user’s data will be stored so that they will be able to see their overall progress. The app will also inform users of any detours, construction, and facility locations. A park information section is included to show the operating hours of the park and one-click emergency response.

After the FitFalls icon is selected, users are greeted with a view of the Greenway trail system. A fading message, “Tap – Begin – Journey,” is displayed. Users can tap anywhere on this screen to continue.

Log in
Users can log in with their Facebook account, an established FitFalls account, or register a new FitFalls account.

Initial Location
After the login is complete, the user will see their accumulated duration and distance at the top of the screen. The duration and distance during the current session will display as zeros.
Press “Start Workout” to start a new session. The GPS tracking will start to record the duration and distance.

Detour & Closures
If the user clicks on an orange detour cone, control will zoom into that area on the map, and a message describing an alternative route will be displayed. That alternative route will appear as a red dotted line on the map.

If the user clicks on the “question mark” button on the bottom of the map screen, park operation hours and a list of facility switches with appear. By switching on respective switches, the user’s location and distance will be displayed on the map screen.

Call 911
If the user clicks on the “call 911” button on the bottom of the map screen, the phone app will be activated. Press “call” to complete the calling sequence or “cancel” to return to the map screen.

Map Screen
As the app user changes their location, the duration and distance meters will be updated. The location of the user will be noted as a red blinking dot on the map. The “Stop Workout” button can be pressed when the user wishes to stop recording duration and distance.

After the “Stop workout” button has been selected, a summary screen will display. The user can choose to close the app or start another session without logging back in.

The following video was created using Adobe After Effects. Pumpkin Fields Forever is a short film that shows the growing cycle of pumpkins.
The following video is another example of kinetic animation. In this short film, the lyrics are set to “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch.”