As I think about graduating next spring as a Media Design major at Southeast Technical College, I also remember the processes and class course, which brought me to this point. At the time, these General Education classes seemed a necessary but daunting time in my life. Mathematics and English classes were not directly related to my study line, and back then, I could not see how they would be useful in my future career choices. Because I am a nontraditional student at Southeast, I have attended other public and private universities. The classes in English Composition were the most influential and crucial to my studies in Media Design.
As a child, I was very timid. I often struggled to communicate my feelings through speaking and simple writing projects. In my twenties, even though I worked in the computer programming industry and wrote user guides, I still questioned how affective my message was. Also, during this time, I decided to obtain a bachelor’s degree in my current field. It was daunting to see the list of general education classes that I would need to complete to obtain my goal. Composition 101 was one of the first college-based classes I registered. I was not very well prepared. I needed to learn time management and study skills. I also was depending on what I had remembered from my K through 12 education. I’m sure I owe those English professors a massive apology for the many incomplete sentences and improper punctuation I used.
However, knowing how to write effectively gave me the confidence to share my ideas and interests with others. It’s given me the confidence to go back and pursue a career in Media Design. Through my studies at Southeast Technical College, I’ve also realized how important it is to not only to know one’s target audience but also how writing relevant content and structured copywriting is crucial to connect with that audience.